Onsite Component Repair and Overhaul Services
Onsite Component Repair and Overhaul Services
When machinery, critical components, and complex moving parts break down or develop operating problems, it can harm the business. Lengthy downtime, hefty shipping and export costs, and a potential loss of business are just a few issues, especially for companies with large machinery and structures out in the field. Therefore, here at CWST, we offer our customers a complete on-site component repair and overhaul service.
Why is an onsite component repair and overhaul service important?
Most of our clients work in the aerospace, oil, gas, chemical, and power generation industries. This means that the systems and components that develop operating failures or need to be serviced are often too large or integrated within structures out in the field, such as wind turbines or Steam Gas Turbines. An onsite repair and overhaul service is essential as it saves having to bring in specialist equipment to transport the machinery or part, which can be costly and time-consuming. This also saves on potentially high shipping and logistics costs and lengthy downtime.
Having an on-site component repair and overhaul service is particularly important to us because it ensures we protect our customers’ critical components wherever they are based, providing the best service possible with the least disturbance to their operations.
What plant equipment repair services are offered onsite?
We offer various repair and overhaul services onsite to ensure our customers’ parts and components fully function. Our engineers will ensure that our quality approvals and procedures are followed on-site, just as in our specialized facilities.
Some of the problems we can solve onsite with our component repairs and overhaul services are:
- Fatigue
- Fretting fatigue
- Cavitation corrosion
- Forming or correcting the shape of distorted components
- Stress corrosion cracking
- Corrosion generally
- Exfoliation corrosion
- Filiform corrosion
What other services do you offer onsite?
We offer many different repair services to ensure that critical components and structures are protected and perform as designed. However, we also appreciate that overhauling components from time to time as part of a regular maintenance schedule is important to ensure the longevity and safety of equipment out in the field.
Our onsite services include a variety of shot peening and controlled blasting processes such as flapper peening, exfoliation peening for aging aircraft, and controlled shot peening of welds and heat-affected zones.
We also provide complete repair and overhaul services for Industrial Steam Gas Turbines, including stripping, recoat, and dressing compressor blades and associated components.
Here at CWST, we have many years of experience developing on-site repair and overhaul services and understand the importance of providing fast and efficient material treatments and processes in any location to keep safety-critical machinery, components, and equipment running for as long as possible.
To find out how our on-site component repair and overhaul services can help your business, contact us today or learn more about our services to ensure your machines are always running at full power.